Jessica Schunke Jessica Schunke

Modern Service Quilts Scrappy Strip Dash Quilt

Did you see the blog post that went up on the Modern Service Quilts blog this week with all the info on the solids version of Strip Dash we made for this month’s collaboration? It provides a lot of fabulous eye candy and inspiration if you’re looking to make your own service-quilt version of the pattern. But if you’ve been following along on IG or this blog this month, you know I’ve also been working on another scrappy version, and I’m excited to share the finished top!

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Jessica Schunke Jessica Schunke

Tips for Using Jelly Rolls with the Strip Dash Quilt and More

Tomorrow is National Sew a Jelly Roll Day, which I couldn’t have planned better myself since we’re still in the midst of my second collaboration with Modern Service Quilts, and the pattern of the month is my jelly-roll friendly Strip Dash! Check out all the jelly inspiration I have in store for you.

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Jessica Schunke Jessica Schunke

Strip Dash: A New Modern Service Quilts Collaboration

The kids are back in school, and things are starting to resume their normal flow, which means you’ll be seeing lots more of me — and trust me, I’ve got lots to show you — starting with the reveal of my second collaboration with Modern Service Quilts, an organization founded by me and two friends that’s devoted to getting more modern honor quilts into the hands of veterans and service members. Meet the newest version of Strip Dash!

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Jessica Schunke Jessica Schunke

Strip Dash Scrappy Baby Quilt Reveal

It's been a while since I've gotten the chance to do a new quilt reveal! Things had been oh-so-busy around here on the tech-editing side of things (a good problem to have), but it's meant less time for my own sewing. Top that off with general summer craziness, and well, you know how it is. So I'm all the more excited to finally be sharing this finished bright, happy scrappy baby version of the Strip Dash quilt!

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Jessica Schunke Jessica Schunke

Strip Dash Release Day!

Today is my 39th birthday (SO close to the big one), and what better way to celebrate than with a quilt pattern release! I’m so excited to introduce the latest in my collection of beginner-level, precut-friendly patterns, the Strip Dash quilt!

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