Jessica Schunke Jessica Schunke

Simple Holiday Craft Ideas

Each year, I seem to kind of flip back and forth between wanting to make all the holiday gift items and decorations and just selecting a few small projects to work on. Regardless of which end of the cycle you might be in this year, quick, small handmade projects are always a fun way to sneak in a little special holiday sewing, and I’ve got several on the site that are just perfect for that.

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Jessica Schunke Jessica Schunke

Fabric Gift Card Sleeve (Tutorial)

Happy season of giving! I don’t know about you, but I’m deep in the midst of present gathering for family, friends, teachers, and service workers. While I love a personal gift full of meaning, there’s always a time and a place for a good ol’ gift card. But that doesn’t mean you can’t add a personal, handmade touch with a delightful fabric gift card sleeve.

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Disclaimer: To assist you in finding some of the products I use in my work, this blog sometimes uses Amazon affiliate links. As an Amazon Influencer, I may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases made by clicking on one of the links. This is another way you can help support my business, and I thank you! That being said, if you're able to purchase the item locally, I strongly encourage you to do so. I only feature products that I believe in and use myself. Affiliate links are marked with an asterisk and noted in the blog post. In addition, I am a paid Havel's Sewing brand ambassador and receive products from them to try for free. I only recommend the products I truly love and do not receive a commission of any sort if you purchase products using my discount code.