Modern Service Quilts Folded in Love Quilt

Hi again! Just wanted to pop in to make sure you saw the blog post that went up on the Modern Service Quilts blog this week with all the info on the Folded in Love sample quilts we made for this month. It provides a lot of fabulous eye candy and inspiration if you’re looking to make your own service-quilt version of the pattern.

Just a reminder that, as this month’s MSQ featured designer, I’ll be donating 75% of the proceeds from the Folded in Love pattern for the month of November to the National Association of Minority Veterans (NAMVETS), so grab your pattern this month to stretch your impact for some very worthy veterans. Head on over to my shop to grab your copy of the pattern.


Fabric Palette Friday #1: Aqua Baby Quilt


Folded in Love Baby Quilts