Fabric Palette Friday #8: Feeling Elegant

Happy Fabric Palette Friday! I’m back! If you receive my newsletter (and if not, you’re missing out on some good stuff, ahem, coupon codes!), you know I went to QuiltCon in Phoenix last week, and let me tell you, it was such a balm to my soul. COVID life has been tough, especially with littles, and it was so wonderful to be able to get away for some time for me. I enjoyed the beautiful weather with some wonderful friends, took a few classes and lectures, enjoyed some fabulous happy hours, and just generally got to take a breath for the first time in a long while, and I’m so thankful.

But, of course, it’s back to work now, and today that means a new fabric pull! (Hard to call that work, right?) I’m so excited about this elegant spread, which I’ve been happily cutting into for my next pattern. You know I fell in love with the Ruby Star Society First Light collection for my Heart of Hearts pattern cover quilt, but that one focused mostly on the pinks and yellows, largely leaving out the wonderful neutrals in the collection. This time, they get to shine alongside that citron color that I can’t ever get enough of. Top if off with a gorgeous Kona teal solid (Enchanted, a Kona color of the year a few years back), and it’s a total chef’s kiss.

Fabric Palette Friday 8 Feeling Elegant fabric spread

I can’t wait to share more as the pattern testing comes together! What fabrics have caught your eye this week? Did you pick up anything new at QuiltCon?

Fabric Palette Friday 8 Feeling Elegant fabric spread

Leave a comment if you really love something and join in on Instagram using #fabricpalettefriday to share your own creations!

Fabric Palette Friday 8 Feeling Elegant fabric spread

Heart Pinnies Galore


A Maker’s Heart Valentine