Fabric Palette Friday #2: Fall Leaves

Happy Fabric Palette Friday! I hope everyone here in the States was able to enjoy a delightful Thanksgiving holiday yesterday. Ours was a bit smaller than we’d planned (we weren’t able to have family in town due to a kitchen reno that has stretched on longer than planned, as these things are wont to do), but we had a nice time all the same with our little family and far too much food.

For today’s palette, I wanted to stick with the fall colors for just a little bit longer. (Don’t worry, we’ll be diving head first into the holidays next week.) I pulled these fabrics a few weeks back for a planned Folded in Love quilt (pattern available in the shop), and though I ended up taking a different course for that quilt, I really loved this pull all the same. This was a good example of shopping my stash, as some of these fabrics are quite old. So while it may not be one you can replicate exactly, it’s a great inspiration for a feel and color palette. I love that it’s a good mix of textures (always love a good chambray), as well as prints and solids. The top two leafy florals are from Carolyn Friedlander (the top is a really old one from her Botanics line, and the second is Cultivar in Marmalade from Collection CF). The great orange-red print in the middle is an old classic by Denyse Schmidt, and the watercolor print below it is Petals in Dusty Rose from Kelly Ventura’s Botany collection. The solid is a Kona cotton (maybe in Yarrow? My solids are usually labeled, but this one seemed to have fallen off). So, who’s in the mood for one more fall quilt?

Fabric Palette Friday 2 Fall Leaves

Leave a comment if you really love something and join in on Instagram using #fabricpalettefriday to share your own creations!


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