Fabric Palette Friday #19: Blue Squirrels

Happy Fabric Palette Friday! It’s been a week. I’ll admit that posting a fabric bundle wasn’t high on my list of priorities considering all that’s happening in America right now, but I thought perhaps these sweet squirrels and a soothing palette might be just what some people needed right now. In the midst of processing yet another mass shooting, this time of innocent children, and the empty responses of so many politicians throwing up their hands and saying there’s nothing to be done (believe me, there’s plenty to be done, especially by them), I don’t have a lot to give right now, so I’ll let the fabric (mostly) speak for itself.

Fabric Palette Friday 19 Blue Squirrels

I started off by pulling out that fabulous OG Cotton + Steel squirrel print. Their tales and cheeks include this wonderful purply gray blue that I can’t get enough of and which, despite what this bundle might make it look like, is actually pretty hard to find in the fabric world. I basically scoop it up whenever I come across it. I pulled out just about every matching blue print I had and then expanded the bundle with a coordinating blue solid and some matching neutrals, including a fun embroidered woven for texture. Soothing and sweet.

Fabric Palette Friday 19 Blue Squirrels

If you’re in the U.S., I ask you to take a break from your sewing this week to reach out to your elected representatives and insist that they take action on common sense gun-control legislation. This is not about dismantling the Second Amendment. It’s about placing basic restrictions on the kinds of guns people can buy (NO ONE needs to own an assault rifle) and how they’re purchased. Background checks are a must. I don’t have any intention of turning this blog into a political platform, but this goes so far beyond politics, and people who hide behind the “don’t make this political” banner are just looking for excuses so they don’t have to act. We are not safe, our children and our seniors are not safe, and we’re allowing that to continue when we fail to act. You can support the right to own guns and still recognize that there should be restrictions on that right to keep others safe. Call your representatives and demand change.

Fabric Palette Friday 19 Blue Squirrels

Leave a comment and let me know what colors you’re working with this week or how you’re feeling. Sometimes we just need to know that someone hears us. If you’re in the making mood, feel free to join in on Instagram using #fabricpalettefriday to share your own creations.

Fabric Palette Friday 19 Blue Squirrels
Fabric Palette Friday 19 Blue Squirrels
Fabric Palette Friday 19 Blue Squirrels

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